Making my lucky “Sarubobo” doll in Takayama

Last Friday was my school trip to Takayama, about a two hour drive from Toyama city. I’ve heard it called the “Little Kyoto”, because of its old streets and buildings. Our time there was pretty quick so I hope to go back soon. While I was there, a teacher and I decided to make our own Sarubobo dolls! These little dolls are good luck, originally meant for women and are named “Sarubobo” after baby monkeys. Now, they have several colours to pick from, and choice for the clothing fabric that you can decorate yourself. I wrote the word “strong” on mine. The dolls are meant to bring you things like good health, friendship, love, and success, and to me being strong is the overarching component to feeling you have these things.

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Some cute Sarubobo doll souvenirs

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All the materials- you can choose the colour of your doll’s clothing.

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My colour choice, practicing the positioning of the cloth square.

Practice kanji and flowers with different coloured markers.

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Our two dolls together.


The finished product! My little sarubobo doll in all its lucky glory.



What do you think?